
rediscovering soul

The Practice of Finding Purpose

a group experience for those seeking to become more and more themselves

“We are not here to fit in, be well balanced, or provide exempla for others. We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. As the gods intended, we are here to become more and more ourselves.”

James Hollis, What Matters Most

the program

I believe in the concept of calling, something that a person can offer to the world that only they can; a purpose that builds upon their unique gifts, as well as their challenges and life circumstances. The Practice of Finding Purpose was born from an academic paper I wrote when I was a fledgling depth psychologist, just adding this new perspective to my work as a career coach and group facilitator. I had discovered the idea of calling long before, and incorporated it into my career coaching, but this was the first time I was asked to put down in writing my recipe for guiding someone as they deeply explored the gifts they felt pulled to offer to the world.

The paper was titled, Answering the Call: the practice of living a truly authentic life. My professor read my paper and gave me this feedback:

Marta! Freaking awesome final paper! I loved it! I feel like this is completely on its way to being a book. Seriously. It's that good.

While I was excited by the response, something inside me resisted the idea of it becoming a book. As a life coach, I believe in the power of partnership, and there are some journeys that benefit immensely from a journey guide. For me, this was one of them. Instead of a book, I began to develop the paper into a series of steps designed as a path to follow as you discover and learn to live your authentic calling - steps to be actively supported by a guide, a coach, a mentor.

In it's use with those I've worked with the practice has matured, but at its core it remains the same guide that I first wrote about. I now offer it as a group coaching experience for those seeking to move from career to calling.

What's Included in this learning experience?

The program includes an introductory session, 13 group coaching sessions (recorded for future access) and 2 individual coaching sessions.

The 13 group sessions include an introductoiry session and a final synthesis session, plus 11 discovery modules. These modules are separated into four distinct movements: four sessions focused on grounding practies to clear the clutter, four sessions focused on energizing practices to kindle the imagination, two sessions focused on stretching practices to reach out beyond yourself, and one final practice to articulate your vision for sharing your gifts.

Following the group session each participant also receives two individual coaching sessions to personally synthesize and develop a plan to put their learnings into action.

How is the program structured?

The fee for the program is $1,175. This includes 13 group and 2 individual coaching sessions, A pdf program binder filled with learning tasks to complete, coaching prompts, and questions to explore, plus a currated list of additional resources - books, podcasts, and videos.

2025 group coaching dates to be announced in October 2024

"Feel yourself being quietly drawn by the deeper pull of what you truly love."
