rediscovering soul
The Call to Coach
"We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being.”
James Hollis, What Matters Most
What brought you to coaching? What events or people in your life impacted your decision to guide others as they navigate life's challenges? What called you to pursue this particular way of working with others? If you're curious about how you found your profession - or perhaps how your profession found you, then it may be time to reflect upon the breadcrumbs your calling may have left along the way.
My Call to Coach offering is designed to provide an opportunity for professional coaches to deeply reflect upon their personal coaching journey and define the difference they feel called to make in this world.
An Introduction to the Call to Coach
a complimentary consideration of your coaching path
The concept of calling asks us to consider the essence of who we are and the difference we are called to make in the world. Shaped by our strengths and challenges, as well as our culture, our family, and life experiences, our call can find expression in different ways. This introductory session provides an opportunity to explore the concept of calling and how this call impacts your coaching or facilitation practice.
Virtual session: 90 minutes in length, offered quarterly - please watch for session announcements on LinkedIn, or sign up for my newsletter to get information sent directly.
Diving into the Call to Coach: Hybrid Learning Experience
a hybrid experience for professional coaches ready to rediscover and deepen into their call to coach
Our calling is shaped by the gifts, passions, and values we discover as we live our life. This offering provides an opportunity to consider what you know about yourself: What do you offer to others so naturally that it seems to simply be who you are and not the unique strength that others perceive? What are the core interests that draw you in again and again? What central beliefs on how to live a life guide your path? The answers to these questions work together to inform your calling and how it is expressed in the world.
This coaching package has its roots in a paper I wrote early in in my studies in depth psychology. The assignment was to outline my recipe for guiding someone as they deeply explored their gifts and passions. I had been a career coach for a number of years, but this was the first time I was asked to put down in writing my recipe for guiding someone as considered their calling and how to share it.
From the paper I developed this hybrid learning & coaching experience, a supported path to follow as you discover, live and share your purpose. The program weaves together my experiences as a career coach and as a depth psychologist, offering opportunities for exploration and reflection. In its use with those I've worked with the practice has matured, but at its core it remains the same recipe that I first wrote about.
Balanced between solo learning and individual coaching sessions, this offering will encourage you to deepen into the concept of calling, guiding you to a fuller and richer understanding of your unique self and the call that has been with you all along.
If you're ready to reconnect with the essential elements of who you are, and reclaim the pieces of yourself that were lost or pushed aside as you traveled through life, this coaching package is for you.
Diving into the Call to Coach utilizes “The Practice of Finding Purpose” workbook, created specifically to accompany this experience. It follows a flow of 11 modules, divided into four distinct levels. The program is available in two packages: the workbook and 6 coaching session, or the workbook and 13 coaching sessions.
Please email or complete the "Contact Me" form on my "About Me" page for more information.
Please email or complete the "Contact Me" form on my "About Me" page for more information.